Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Replacement Chassis

Apart fom not welding the outriggers properly he had gone mad with the welder and plated up all around the the chassis where the diff  and leaver arms mount. It would be to much work to cut all the plates off and I would never know how bad the rot was or wasn't and it would always be on my mind. I intend to uprate this vitesse and take it out on the occasional track day so the structural integrity is paramount. I started to look around. A rebuilt one from the trade I was lead to believe would cost anything from 900 pounds plus, which was a non starter. Good unmolested chassis are very rare especially vitesse rotoflex chassis. 1360 ones come along on the odd occasion but all the chassis tend to rot in the same place, where the diff mounts.  I ended up buying all new outriggers and side rails in anticipation and finally a decent 1360 chassis was won on e-bay. I new there would be a lot of work in cutting all the rotoflex mounts and brackets off the old chassis to convert the 1360 to vitesse mk2 spec but I didn't have a choice. Before I got  a chance to start a correct spec chassis appeared on e-bay so after a few e-mails to make sure it was sound and that there was no evidence of crash damage I felt confident the seller new exactly what I was after and by his answers new what he was talking about. I was wining the auction at 50 pound, but with a few seconds left as usual there was a flurry of bids. I was going to win this regardless and was very happy with a 100 pound winning bid. Collected the chassis the next day. You never know until you see with your own eyes what you've bought, and I was very pleased. All original outriggers that had never been replaced and no welding anywhere. The side rails were a bit rusty and although useable I intended on replacing these as this area has to be solid if you ever want to get the doors to open and close properly.

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